The Legislative Assembly offers several programs designed to provide first-hand experience of the parliamentary process. Each program is targeted at a specific group.

Saskatchewan Teachers' Institute on Parliamentary Democracy (SSTI) is a professional development opportunity open to all Saskatchewan educators. Teachers are guided through an insider’s view of government and the legislative process.

Parliamentary Program for the Public Service (PPPS) is a popular program for employees of the Saskatchewan public service. PPPS provides individuals with an opportunity to observe democracy at work and speak directly with an MLA, a cabinet minister, the Speaker, and the staff who serve Executive Council and the Legislative Assembly.

PPPS is offered at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building during the spring and fall when the Legislative Assembly is in session. All public service employees, whether management, professional, or support staff are welcome to participate. PPPS is a full-day program facilitated by staff from each area. The day begins with an extensive tour and history of the Legislative Building, as well as an overview of our system of government. There are presentations on the Legislative Library, Assembly procedure and Executive Council. In the afternoon, participants are seated in the gallery to observe Question Period and other Assembly business. Following that, a cabinet minister (usually the Minister Responsible for the Public Service), a member of the opposition, and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly meet with participants over coffee to explain their roles and to respond to questions.

Many participants report that they come away from this program with a better understanding of how their own work fits into the legislative process.

For information on registration please contact A. Guenette by phone (306) 787-5358 or email