The Newest Titles at the Saskatchewan Legislative Library

Norquay’s life story ignites contemporary conversations around the nature of empire and Canada’s own imperial past. This book offers new insights into his business, family, and political life. The author reveals Norquay to be a thoughtful statesman and generous patriarch

In the early 1990s, Indigenous media experienced a boom across Canada. Coinciding with a resurgence of Indigenous political activism, Indigenous media highlighted issues around sovereignty and Indigenous rights. Producing Sovereignty offers a revealing history of this cultural movement.

This book offers a policy analysis and provides points for in-depth discussion about the current drug crisis. The opioid crisis presents many policy challenges, but also several opportunities to fight for social justice and win.

This book critically examines both the ordinary and legal concepts of hate speech, contrasting social media platform content policies with national and international laws. It also explores a range of controversial grey area examples of hate speech.

Humanity's rapid expansion into Space raises major environmental, safety, and security challenges. This book provides readers with the knowledge and tools to engage in current legal, policy, and scientific debates concerning the future development of Space.

Revival and Change is an account of the elections, accomplishments, challenges, failures, and ultimate end of the Diefenbaker era. This book covers the 1957 and 1958 elections, and the era’s legacy in Canadian politics and society.

Migration, border control, and asylum are ongoing flashpoints in international relations, affecting the domestic politics and economies of each country. This volume investigates domestic, regional, and global migration politics, and reveals how intersecting policy frameworks affect the movement of people.

With the development of artificial intelligence and labor-saving technologies, the future of work has never been more uncertain. This book explores the human connections underlying our work, arguing that what people do for each other is valuable and worth preserving.

Brain science in the form of neuroscientific evidence now appears frequently in courtrooms and policy discussions alike. This book offers clear and concise guidance on understanding both the promise and the limitations of using brain science in law and policymaking.

This haunting memoir, rendered in the precise style of an accomplished journalist, is an eyewitness account of incomparable quality. The subject matter is tragic, yet the author’s prose compels the reader to imagine humans in circumstances impossible to fully comprehend.

In Ghosts in a Photograph, the author delves into the lives of her grandparents, who moved from Galicia to Alberta at the turn of the twentieth century. Rich in detail, this memoir is a compelling, and multifaceted family chronicle.

This book offers a fresh take on the dynamics of the 2021 Canadian federal election by focusing on elements pertinent to political marketing and branding. The book’s content takes our current understandings of Canadian political marketing in new directions.

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