Contact the reference desk by email or by phone 306-787-2276 for help with any of the Library’s resources.

Subject links

The Subject Links page is organized by subject, and offers quick links to Internet resources of interest to Legislative Library clients.

Resource lists

The Library has compiled lists of materials on topics of particular interest to our clients. These may include books, other documents, journal articles, and online resources. Some resources may only be accessed by clients with a Library barcode.

     Trending Topics

     Parliamentary Democracy Series

Canadian Health Care Royal Commissions, Commissions of Inquiry and Task Forces, 1878-2010: A Selected Bibliography (2011)

Saskatchewan Local Histories at the Legislative Library (2006)

Supplement to Saskatchewan Local Histories at the Legislative Library (2012)

Fact Sheets

The Library has put together the following fact sheets:

Related Links for Research Help

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234 - 2405 Legislative Dr.
Regina, SK S4S 0B3