Board of Internal Economy
The Board of Internal Economy is a statutory authority created in 1981 to emphasize the responsibilities of parliamentarians for the general administration of the Legislative Assembly. The establishment of the Board also reaffirmed the independence of the legislative branch from the executive branch of government. The Legislative Assembly Act, 2007 established the Board, its composition and duties.
The Speaker, who has primary responsibilities for the services and programs required by the Assembly and its members, is the Board’s Chair. Two cabinet ministers, two government private members and two opposition members complete the membership.
Authority and Principal Duties of the Board
The Board has responsibility for all matters of financial and administrative policy affecting the Legislative Assembly and its members. The duties and powers of the Board are outlined under The Legislative Assembly Act, 2007 as follows:
- to oversee generally the finances of the Legislative Assembly, including its revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities;
- to receive the human resource and financial management policies of the Legislative Assembly Service and every Officer of the Legislative Assembly;
- to advise on and give directions in relation to any matter that the board considers necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the Legislative Assembly;
- to issue directives establishing an anti-harassment policy for members;
- to approve the Chief Electoral Officer’s use of an alternate procedure, equipment or technology during a general election;
- to exercise any other powers given to the board, and to perform any other duties imposed on the board, by the Act or any other Act.
In addition, the Board of Internal Economy is responsible for reviewing and approving the budgets for the Legislative Assembly Service and the Officers of the Legislative Assembly. These Officers include the Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner, the Advocate for Children and Youth, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Chief Electoral Officer, and Conflict of Interest Commissioner and Lobbyist Registrar. The Board is also responsible for approving the budget of the Provincial Auditor when there is no Public Accounts Committee (PAC).
Sub-committee of the Board
From time to time, the Board has established sub-committees that it considers necessary for the efficient conduct of its affairs and business. In the past, the Board has established sub-committees to conduct a review of Board Directives and to handle staffing competitions for Officers of the Legislative Assembly.
The Speaker’s assistant serves as the Board’s recording secretary and is responsible for maintaining Board records, arranging meetings, preparing and distributing the agenda, and preparation of the minutes. Meetings of the Board are held in public and at the call of the Chair.
The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly is responsible, through the Speaker, to the Board for the day to day management and administration of the programs and services provided to the Legislative Assembly, individual members, legislative committees and caucuses.
The Clerk, the Chief Executive of Member and Corporate Services, and other senior officials serve as resources for the Board, drafting proposals for Board consideration and implementing the decisions of the Board.
For further information contact S. Sterling, Secretary to the Board, Tel: 306 787-2305, Fax: 306 787-2283; Email:
Board verbatim and minutes can be accessed through the Assembly records calendar.
Board of Internal Economy members
Hon Todd Goudy, Chair
Hon. Lori Carr
Matt Love
Hon. Tim McLeod
Nicole Sarauer
Kevin Weedmark
Sean Wilson