2025 is the 23rd Saskatchewan Teachers’ Institute on Parliamentary Democracy.

SSTI 2025 will be held from Saturday, April 5 to Wednesday, April 9, 2025. Apply today!

How Can I Apply? Apply online, or print out the application form and mail, email, or fax it to the address below. All applications must include a statement of support.

The Saskatchewan Teachers' Institute is an exciting professional development program that provides teachers with an all-encompassing overview of the realities of democracy and its importance in our society, thereby equipping them with valuable knowledge to successfully convey the issues and intricacies of modern parliament to their students. The institute also promotes the sharing of ideas, resources and methodologies for teaching about parliamentary democracy with fellow participants.

The objective of this non-partisan institute is to allow Saskatchewan teachers the opportunity to gain a better understanding of our system of parliamentary democracy by observing, first-hand, our parliamentary system in operation. They meet with the Lieutenant Governor, Speaker, Ministers, members of the the judiciary, caucus leaders, Whips, and Chairs, as well as with Private Members and media. The teachers have an opportunity to participate in a model parliament with the Speaker in the legislative Chamber. 

Speaker Glenn Hagel launched the first Saskatchewan Teachers’ Institute on Parliamentary Democracy in 1999, with the aim of developing a strategy to enhance the understanding of parliamentary democracy in the classroom. Since then, over three hundred teachers from across Saskatchewan have participated in this unique institute.

Saskatchewan teachers in all subject areas and education levels are invited to apply for this non-partisan professional development opportunity.


Send your completed application and statement of support by email, mail, or fax to:

Office of the Speaker, Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan
129 - 2405 Legislative Drive
Regina, SK S4S 0B3
Tel: 306.787.2282
Fax: 306.787.2283