Trent Wotherspoon - Member Details
Mr. Trent Wotherspoon - Opposition Caucus
Regina Mount Royal

Trent was elected as the MLA for Regina Mount Royal in 2007 and re-elected in 2011, 2016, 2020, and 2024. He is the opposition Shadow Minister for Finance, Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation, and Agriculture. 

Trent has previously served as the Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Finance, Education, Economy, and Crown Corporations. He was voted the 'Best Regina MLA' in the Prairie Dog for eight years running.  

Trent was born and raised in northwest Regina. He studied Business Administration and earned an Education degree at the University of Regina. Before serving as a MLA, Trent was a teacher and built and delivered highly successful programs for at-risk and vulnerable youth. He also has business experience and served as a director of a local Business Improvement District. 

Trent and his wife, Stephanie, an elementary school teacher, are highly involved in the community and have one son, William.  

Trent has volunteered as a coach in the Outdoor Hockey League for 20 years. He finished another season coaching the team at the local Rosemont outdoor rink and looks forward to coaching again next season. 

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Legislative Building Address
2405 Legislative Dr.
S4S 0B3
Room: 265
Phone: 306-787-0077
Constituency Address
6300 Dewdney Ave.
Regina, SK, S4T 1E3
Phone: 306-565-2444
Fax: 306-565-2952