Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan
Facebook Commenting Policy

Thank you for your interest in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan. This Facebook page is maintained by the Legislative Assembly Service and is an informational resource with updates about the work of the Assembly and its committees.

If you “Like” this page, you can expect to receive posts about:

  • activities in the Legislative Assembly and its committees,
  • the architectural and historical legacy of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building and its surroundings,
  • coverage of special events in the legislative chamber,
  • news releases and other communications, and
  • updates about new content on the Legislative Assembly website.

We welcome your participation and feedback! We encourage comments that are:

  • focused and relevant to the posts on this Facebook page,
  • respectful,
  • accurate (spreading misleading or false information is prohibited), and
  • considerate of the privacy of others by not including full names, phone numbers, email addresses, case numbers, or other sensitive and personally identifiable information.

We will read your comments, but we are unable to respond directly to all inquiries or to take action on specific issues.

Please note: the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan does not agree with, endorse or guarantee the information contained within comments posted on this Facebook page by any individuals or organizations. Comments that appear on this page represent only the views of the comment writer, and are not the opinion of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, its employees, or individual Members of the Legislative Assembly. Advertisements that appear on Facebook are not endorsed by the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, its employees, or individual Members of the Legislative Assembly.

The appearance of a Facebook user as a follower of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan does not imply any endorsement.

We reserve the right to remove comments that violate these guidelines. A comment may be removed if it contains:

  • vulgar or hateful language or libellous statements,
  • profanity, obscenity or vulgarity (including masked words, e.g. ***),
  • defamations of a person or people,
  • name calling or personal attacks,
  • hostile or intimidating language,
  • remarks with the sole purpose of selling a product or making a commercial endorsement,
  • promotional or spam materials,
  • copyright infringement,
  • references to provincial employees by name, or
  • any other comments the Legislative Assembly Service deems inappropriate.

Although we maintain this page regularly, our moderation capabilities are not 24/7. We will make every effort to address comments in a timely fashion and use our best judgment to regulate the comments appearing on this page. Moderators will try to err on the side of maintaining a civil discussion, while at the same time fostering an atmosphere in which differences of opinion are respected and valued. For discussions and commentary related to public policy, we encourage you to visit the websites of the government and opposition caucuses, and other political parties.

Contact us about our Facebook page


Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan
Twitter Commenting Policy

Thank you for your interest in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan. This Twitter account is maintained by the Legislative Assembly Service and is an informational resource with updates about the work of the Assembly and its committees.

If you follow @SKLegAssembly, you can expect to receive posts about:

  • activities in the Legislative Assembly and its committees,
  • the architectural and historical legacy of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building and its surroundings,
  • coverage of special events in the legislative chamber,
  • news releases and other communications, and
  • updates about new content on the Legislative Assembly website.

We welcome your participation and feedback! The Legislative Assembly supports a civil discussion in which differences of opinion are respected and valued. We encourage comments that are:

  • polite,
  • focused and relevant to the posts on this Twitter feed,
  • respectful of other opinions,
  • free of vulgar or hateful language (including masked words, e.g. ***) or libelous statements,
  • accurate (spreading misleading or false information is prohibited),
  • considerate of the privacy of others by not including full names, phone numbers, email addresses, case numbers, or other sensitive and personally identifiable information, and
  • free of advertising or spam.

We will read your comments, but we are unable to respond directly to all inquiries or to take action on specific issues.

Please note: The use of Twitter through @SKLegAssembly is intended to facilitate access to public information. The Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan in no way verifies or confirms either the accuracy of user comments (e.g. replies, retweets, @mentions, etc.) or their compliance with the guidelines outlined here. The Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan does not endorse any of the views in comments posted by users. Comments in violation of these guidelines may result in @SKLegAssembly blocking the follower in question. For discussions and commentary related to public policy, we encourage you to visit the websites of the government and opposition caucuses and other political parties.

The appearance of a Twitter user as a follower of @SKLegAssembly does not imply endorsement, nor does the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan following any particular user.

Contact us about our Twitter account