The following are quick links to Internet resources of interest to Legislative Library clients. The Legislative Library cannot accept responsibility for information obtained at these external sites.

Saskatchewan / Online retailers / Government publishers /U.S. / International / Book reviews

Saskatchewan / Legislative / Canada / U.S. and international

Business, Economics, and Labour
Corporate resources / Economics / Labour & unions / Trade

Saskatchewan dailies / Saskatchewan weeklies / Canada /U.S. and international

Government and Parliamentary Democracy
Federal-Provincial-Territorial / Parliamentary Democracy / Municipal / U.S. and international / World bodies / For teachers & youth

Saskatchewan parties / Other provincial & territorial parties / Federal parties / Interest groups / Think tanks / International policy research

Research & Statistics / Consumer Health

Quick Reference
Saskatchewan obituaries and genealogy / Dictionaries / Encyclopedias / Quotations / Abbreviations / Statistics / Thesis

History and Geography
Saskatchewan / Canada / U.S. and international

Science and Technology
Agriculture / Energy, minerals, oil & gas / Environment / Forestry

Law and Legislation
General law sources / Legislation - Canada / 
Legislation - U.S. / Legislation - international / Courts

Society and Culture
Arts / Education / Sports