MLA Indemnity
Board of Internal Economy Approves Changes to Annual Indemnity
March 21, 2023
Today, Speaker Randy Weekes, Chair of the Board of Internal Economy, announced that the Board has approved Directive changes that limit the current formula-based system for MLA pay to include a range maximum of 3% and a minimum of 0%.
The affected Directives are:
- Directive #17.2 – Committee Indemnity and Expenses
- Directive #19 – Board of internal Economy Indemnity and Expenses
- Directive #21 – Annual Indemnity and Allowances
Find more information about the Board of Internal Economy Directives here.
The Board of Internal Economy is a statutory authority created in 1981 to emphasize the responsibilities of parliamentarians for the general administration of the Legislative Assembly.
The Board has responsibility for all matters of financial and administrative policy affecting the Legislative Assembly and its members. Its composition is Speaker as Chair, two cabinet ministers, two government private members and two opposition members. The duties and powers of the Board are outlined under the Legislative Assembly Act, 2007.